Musarat Happiness
2 min readAug 19, 2020

StandardSetController with Pagination in VisualForce With Example.

I had always struggled to understand how to implement Pagination with StandardSetController. I decided to try hands on with below Simple Example.

So, basically our use case would be to have a custom Page with selective records to be displayed with pagination. What i mean by pagination is, you should be able to use Next & Previous Links to navigate and view previous or next set of records on a single page. We will also override the standard Oppty Page when you click on Opportunities Tab in Salesforce.

So, we are doing below things:

  1. Using Std Set Controller in custom Controller Apex Class to get list of Custom Opp Records.
  2. Using Std Set Controller vanilla out of box functions to implement Pagination using Next & Previous command links (objController.previous and — you dont have to define these functions in Custom Apex Class as they are available to us as we use Std Set Controller.
  3. Using Std Set Controller vanilla out of box functions available from salesforce to basically compute current page number, page Size and total pages.(objController.getResultSize() and objController.getPageSize())
  4. Using TabStyle=Opportunity in VF Page to basically navigate the New VF Page on click to Opportunities tab.
  5. We also use here custom CSS inside VF page just to highlight the page number we are on.

Code below: 1. Apex Class for VF Page — Custom Controller Class

Code 2: VF Page:

VisualForce Page With Custom Controller

Code Link:

Apex Class:

VF Page:

Musarat Happiness
Musarat Happiness

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